——Telkom University also referred to by its acronym of Tel-U. Tel-U which was established on August 14, 2013 is a private university located in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. It was formed out of a merger of four private higher educations, namely Telkom Institute of Technology (founded as STT Telkom, 1990), Telkom Institute of Management (founded as STMB Telkom, 1990), Telkom Polytechnic (Politel, 2007), and Telkom College of Art and Design Indonesia (STISI Telkom, 2011). The merger of four institutions brought a new alteration of student activities, one of them is english student activity. It was initially created for each institutions namely Student English Club (SEC IT Telkom), Student English Forum (SEF IM Telkom), English Club (EC STISI Telkom), and Student English Community (SEC Politeknik Telkom). On February, 1st 2014, these four student activities were merged to form one main english student activity, Student English Society.
Student English Society (SES) has 6 divisions, those are Debate, Speech, Scrabble, Storytelling, Newscasting, and Moviemaking. SES also has one sub division, that is Public Relation (PR). Why is PR become sub division? It’s because you can’t choose to be PR member without joining one of SES division.
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